Who we are?
The Mc Dermott School is a private ballet school, located in Tullamore, Roscommon, Kilcock & Boyle.. Our Data controllers are school principals: Ruth Mc Dermott and Trisha Mc Dermott
What information do we collect?
An Enrolment form is completed by parents of new students enrolling with the ballet school. Personal Details including Name, Date of Birth, Contact details including Address, Phone Number and Email address.
How do we use personal information?
To capture personal information and contact details for new and renewing members of our school.
To enable emergency contact if required.
To delivering exams and events (performance) communication.
To provide information regarding terms dates, fees, and closures.
To register students with Royal Academy of Dance exams.
What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?
Consent by signature on enrolment form
When do we share personal data?
To Royal Academy of Dance, London; when children are registered for examinations.
Where do we store and process personal data?
Paper forms are brought to all classes by the relevant teacher.
Emails on class distribution lists are sent from Ruth and Trisha Mc Dermott's home office in Roscommon.
How do we secure personal data?
Hard copies are stored in a secure place in both home offices, with authorised access only.
There is no third party access to data.
How long do we keep your personal data for?
For the duration of students’ attendance at the Mc Dermott Ballet School.
Your rights in relation to personal data: All clients can –
request access to personal information correction and deletion
withdrawal of consent (if processing data on condition of consent)
How to contact us?
You can contact us by email have any questions on our privacy Policy. @
trisha@mcdermottballetschool.com or ruthmcdermottballet@gmail.com